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Ditch The Gym to Workout at Home

Updated: Mar 24, 2020

Let’s face it; we don’t always have the motivation we need to get to the gym. Our days are often over scheduled and downright stressful, and fitting in a workout should be the last of our worries. In the new era of the Covid-19 crisis, many of us are in lock-down in our homes with no access to the gym or moving freely outside. One of the most important ways to manage stress levels during this incredibly taxing time is to incorporate some form of exercise into your daily routine. To combat stress it's time to ditch the gym and workout at home.

Gyms, health clubs and fitness studios all offer their clients motivation in the form of instructors and fellow gym-goers, but it’s entirely possible to still get in a good workout without leaving the comfort of your own home. The following tips will help you ditch the gym and start working out at home.

No More Excuses

Exercising at home eliminates excuses. The fewer barriers there are, the easier it is to stick to your fitness goals. Even if you are sitting on the couch watching TV, you’re burning calories so adding in reps of sit-ups and push-ups during commercial breaks will allow you some physical activity. If one of your main excuses is always that you don’t have enough time, look into under 10-minute workouts.

Find An Online Instructor or Class

With the lockdown and closure of public spaces comes the loss of gyms, recreation centres and fitness classes. Many instructors have hit Instagram and Facebook to provide their clients and followers access to online tutorials. Take a look and find one that is right for you.

Comfort Level

For some, working out in the gym is very a uncomfortable experience. Moving your workout to your living room, garage, basement or even backyard will boost your confidence and help you get your workout completed! When you work out at home, you can incorporate moves you do not feel comfortable trying at the gym. This helps create positive exercise experiences which are important if you are new to working out.

Family Time

Did you know that you can turn your at home workout into family time? Working out with your family maximizes your time spent with them and can help instill positive, healthy habits. This might not work for every family member, but if you can fit one family workout in a week, it’s one less day you have to workout by yourself!

With no end in sight to the Covid-19 lockdown around the world, I really encourage you to take this time to get into the best shape you've ever been. These trying times promote excessive eating and drinking leaving us less than enthusiastic to get a workout in. Even if you are just climbing your stairs each day, you are contributing to your heart and lung function; burning calories and helping to manage your stress levels.

Good luck everyone during these incredibly difficult times. Stay healthy and stay safe.


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